Course Overview
About the course
We invite you in this mooc to discover the rubber, a remarkable material by its physical and chemical properties, its multiple applications, its various jobs, and its tremendous growth in many areas.
In four weeks and through videos, quiz and collaborative activities, you are going to acquire a good knowledge of rubber sector: apprehend the characteristics of rubber and its particularities, the different types of its implementation and the jobs and market opportunities in this sector.
This MOOC is for everyone, although it contains some technical knowledge, it has been designed to an audience without any specific prerequisite:
- curious people looking for some information on rubber
- students in technical tracks
- students in higher education tracks
- recently arrived workers in rubber corporations
- experienced workers who want to increase their level of knowledge (operational services, technical assistant, support, etc...)
- workers from other sectors (aeronautical, mechanics, automobile, energy...) to have information on rubber.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this mooc, learners must have a good knowledge of the rubber sector, its chemical processes of transformation and the jobs of the sector.
Throughout the MOOC, quizzes will allow you to follow your progress. At the end of the MOOC, if you do the final test, you will get a certification from Ifoca, a key actor of rubber training in France.
Certification and Additional Info
Throughout the MOOC, quizzes will allow you to follow your progress. At the end of the MOOC, if you do the final test, you will get a certification from Ifoca, a key actor of rubber training in France.
Use of content and licenses
Restricted Licence
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - Introduction : Les attendus du MOOC
- Lesson 2 - Découverte et perspectives du Caoutchouc : a quoi sert le caoutchouc ? Son histoire, son avenir.
- Lesson 3 - L’ADN du Caoutchouc : Qu’est-ce qu’un élastomère ? Sa chimie, les grandes familles d’élastomères
- Lesson 4 - Devenir du caoutchouc de la matière au produit fini : Conception d'une formule.
- Lesson 5 - Devenir du caoutchouc de la matière au produit fini : La transformation : le mélangeage, le moulage, l’extrusion et procédés spéciaux.
- Lesson 6 - Conclusion et quiz final : Travailler dans la filière du caoutchouc, partenaires et bibliographie.
Virginie PAPIN
Training Manager at IFOCA - General Specialist, Materials and Quality.

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