Course Overview
The content of the GOINEU PLUS e-learning products represents the views of the authors only and it is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information they contain.
The lesson is dedicated to ”Borders between Regulation 650/2012 and Regulations 1103/2016 and 1104/2016” and it is part of the e-learning course "Family and Successions Law issues" undertaken under the Project "GoInEuPlus – Integration, migration, transnational relationships. Governing inheritance statutes after the entry into force of EU succession regulations" co-financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by the University of Florence in partnership with the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, the University of Valencia, the Family Law Center University of Coimbra, the French National Centre for Scientific Research, the Italian Foundation of Notaries, the Foundation De Gasperi and the Association of Italian Matrimonial Lawyers - Florence District, Section for the protection of persons, minors and the family.
Please find more information on the Project website:
The course deals with cases and issues related to the application of the EU Regulation 650/2012 on Succession, the EU Regulations nr.1103/2016 on Matrimonial Property Regimes and nr.1104/2016 on Partnership Registered, with a specific focus on: (i) marriage laws stemming from other cultural traditions; (ii) alien contractual schemes on Family Property; (iii) discrimination connected to different degrees of recognition of family models; (iv) non-judicial family break-ups; (v) protection of weaker parties in family break-ups; (vi) reconciling European Laws with religious dimensions of family in other cultural tradition; (vii) family law in Eu Succession regulation; (viii) definitions of habitual residence.
Each lesson is divided into teaching units and is available on the present MOOC platform.
Learning Objectives
The course aims at contributing to a uniform application of the EU Regulation nr. 650/2012 on Succession, the EU Regulations nr.1103 and 1104/2016 on Family Law through the presentation of practical cases.
The expected result is to reach a greater awareness of the contents of the EU Regulation nr. 650/2012 on Succession, the EU Regulations nr.1103 and 1104/2016 on Family Law and their application: in the Member States, the EU Member States that have not joined them and third countries.
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - A premise
- Lesson 2 - Regulation 650/2012
- Lesson 3 - Regulation 1103/2016 - Regulation 1104/2016 - Case study on the issues of boarders: prenuptial agreements
Sara Landini
Associate Professor of Private Law, University of Firenze
Responsible of the GoInEU and GoInEU Plus Project Management and Coordination