Course Overview
The lesson is dedicated to Digital succession and criptocurrency and it is part of the e-learning course "International Succession Issues" undertaken under the Project "GoInEu - Governing Inheritance Statutes after the Entry into Force of the EU Succession Regulation" co-financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by the University of Florence in partnership with the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, the University of Valencia, the Family Law Center University of Coimbra, the French National Centre for Scientific Research, the Italian Foundation of Notaries and the Association of Italian Matrimonial Lawyers - Florence District, Section for the protection of persons, minors and the family. Please find more information on the Project website:
The course deals with cases and issues related to the application of the EU Regulation 650/2012: simulated marriages; polygamous marriages; posthumous assisted reproduction; differences among marriages, civil partnership and cohabitation; repudiation; succession in digital goods; definitions of habitual residence; premarital agreements; disinheritance and unworthiness to succeed; the succession of rights in rem.
Each lesson is divided into teaching units and is available on the present MOOC platform.
Project "GoInEU - Governing Inheritance Statutes after the Entry into Force of the EU Succession Regulation" co-financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union.
Learning Objectives
The course aims at contributing to a uniform application of the EU Regulation on Succession 650/2012 through the presentation of practical cases.
The expected result is to reach a greater awareness of the contents of the EU Regulation on Succession 650/2012 and its uniform application in the Member States.
Certification and Additional Info
The certificate will be issued upon reaching 80% and passing the test.
The test is available in the last unit of the lesson.
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - Bitcoin: what it is and how it works
- Lesson 2 - The legal nature of bitcoin in European and International legal thinking
- Lesson 3 - Bitcoin and successions
Carla Pernice
Post-doctoral Researcher of Business Law, University of Firenze