Course Overview
This MOOC has run at the EMMA platform in the beginning of 2015. The MOOC is now closed and will be no longer available.
In autumn 2013, the Welten Institute (formerly CELSTEC) of the Open Universiteit and Kennisnet have offered a MOOC on E-learning in the context of the EADTU initiative "Opening up education". This current MOOC is a shortened version. Two masterclasses, one on learning analytics and one on multimedia learning material form the core of this MOOC. These masterclasses are complemented by an introduction into e-learning, learning theories, the impact of technology on learning, and the relationship between didactics and e-learning. Furthermore we make use of assignments and hopefully a lot of interaction.
We want to offer you the opportunity to keep up to in the domain 'e-learning' in a flexible manner.
The course materials are available under the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-SA , unless stated otherwise.
Learning Objectives
After completion of this course, you are able:
- to interpret the most important trends and developments in the area of e-learning.
- to reflect critically on the role of technology in learning.
- to reflect critically on the relation between, changing, opinions about learning and e-learning.
- to assess e-learning solutions from the perspective of learning theories and views on learning.
- to analyse an existing course/lesson cycle/curriculum for weak and strong points regarding the use of learning technology.
- to create a global design of a blended or online course in which you make use of important findings in the domain of technology enhanced learning
- to apply learning technology more effectively in face-to-face meetings.
Francis Brouns
Dr. ir. Francis Brouns started in 1998 at the Welten Institute (formerly CELSTEC), the Research Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology of the Open Universiteit. Her research is on developing innovative learning environments and supporting lifelong learners, with a particular focus on collaborative and social learning, peer support, learning networks and MOOCs.