Course Overview
Guerrilla Literacy Learners creates a mistake-driven language acquisition approach. Starting from mistake approaches from structuralism, error analysis, Montessori to Freinet, we develop an approach that applauds the mistakes being made as they allow us to create this new way of learning. Mistakes are pathways to new strategies. These will be described and remediated in lay terms. Teachers and learners learn how to create knowledge clips based on digital storytelling; gather Guerrilla paths through narrative coaching, graphic facilitation, human-centred design, art of hosting and formulate and apply Guerrilla patterns in Communities of Practice.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the MOOC:
- The teacher has defined/chosen her learner role (such as grammar nerd, error spotter, mathematician, do-gooder, cultural mixer, creative mixer, red-light admirer, word dweller, aesthetician) and her preferred teacher environment (structuralism, error analysis, Montessori, Steiner, Freinet, Dalton);
- She can use human centred design, narrative coaching, art of hosting, graphic facilitation and digital media to collect Guerrilla pathways;
- She can coach her students using graphic facilitation to explain their Guerrilla Ways;
- She can use digital media to include all students;
- She knows how to create a knowledge clip as a digital story;
- She can coach her students while creating a knowledge clip as digital story;
- She can launch, nurture and delegate a CoP;
- She can formulate Guerrilla patterns based on Guerrilla pathways;
- She can link Guerrilla pathways to Guerrilla patterns;
- She can coach her students in finding their learner role;
- She can coach her students when they create an example for every Guerrilla role;
- She can invent new roles through new examples;
- She can restore her students' shame narrative into a Guerrilla narrative;
- She can assess students' learning trajectory through European frames of reference, through self- and peer-assessment, through a learning diary.
In this MOOC teachers follow teacher Susan and her students travelling to London. Together with her they learn how to use user-centred design, social media, knowledge clips, narrative coaching, graphic facilitation, art of hosting to detect and work with their students’ Guerrilla patterns. Guerrilla patterns are unorthodox combinations of rules. They also learn how to use European frames of assessment, learning diaries, peer-assessment and motivation to make sure all students succeed.
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - London trip as Guerrilla learning
- Lesson 2 - Susan goes searching for her students
- Lesson 3 - Susan takes action
- Lesson 4 - Susan appreciates all her students
Patricia Huion
E-du-novator, Patricia Huion (gender: female) is a senior researcher and European project writer and manager. MA in Germanic Filology (KULeuven) and an MSc in Educational Sciences (KULeuven).
She co-pioneered adult education for drop-outs based on Paolo Freire’s pedagogy: (second chance education (TKO)) and co-created the first Euregional Master course "Communication and multimediadesign together with hogeschool Zuyd (the Netherlands) and Fachhochschule Aachen ( Germany). She has co-written an Euregional project c-md services creating a platform for multimedia SME’s (arts department & technology department), FABLAB (LSM, arts department), Loading stations for electric cars (TETRA, Arts & Engineering department), OPen Garments (FP7, arts department), Werk voor mij (diversity funding, Management & Technology department). She has been head of communication and multimediadesign: head of research in the arts department,head of research and development of KHLIM.
She writes learner-centred European projects on digital literacies, translanguaging, communities, sense of entrepreneurship, creatical thinking, inclusive education, flipped class, moods and learning environments. She enjoys working on the interface of disciplines exploring their interconnectedness, the emerging opportunities for innovation and their knowledge creation using improvisation and storytelling. She is a connected and open educator runnning two communities of practice on Facebook ("storiesforlearning" and "moocaway"),

Pierpaolo Gallo
Beyond having a BA in Communication Studies, I have some kind of background in informatics, multimedia platform management, e-learning and electronic publishing ;-D.
I have worked in the University Language Centre of “La Tuscia” University (Viterbo - Italy) as a technician since its foundation with the specific function of technical assistance in the laboratories.
I have also contributed to the implementation of a personalized Moodle platform first for the use of foreign language students and later for other learning scopes and activities (e.g.: staff updating courses, on line Master courses, massive entry and final testing, European projects management).
I have also worked as a platform administrator and a trainer for moodle users both for University staff and for local schools.
At the moment I have a steady position in Viterbo University in the office dedicated to data collection and elaboration.