Course Overview
Course acitivites last five weeks:
- A week 1: Introduction to course;
- A week 2: Mobile devices and security;
- A week 3: Taking photos with mobile devices and sharing them;
- A week 4: Cloud services;
- A week 5: Ending of the course.
Follow us via Twitter (#mobilemooc & #EUmoocs) and Instagram (#mobilemooc)!
NB! Scroll down to see the links to each week Lessons (Course Structure)!
Used thumbnail source.
Learning Objectives
The course aim is to provide participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with their mobile device(s) that they use every day and to show them opportunities how to use mobile devices more effiencetly and together create a memorable and educational massive open online course experience.
During the course we introduce a variety of applications and settings that can be used on mobile devices primarily to improve your workflow, security and device hardware related matters to enhance the friendship with personal device.
Course graduate student:
- knows and uses a variety of Web-based environments;
- is able to view and modify the rights that applications installed in the mobile devices needs to function;
- is able to choose most suitable application for each task and justify their selection;
- knows how to behave in case of loss or theft of the mobile device;
- knows the basic techniques for taking a good photo with a mobile device;
- is able to edit and share photos with a mobile device;
- knows various cloud services;
- is able to set up at least one cloud service in their mobile device.
Priit Tammets
Tallinna Ülikooli Haridustehnoloogia keskuse analüütik

Lili Kesa
Tallinna Ülikooli Haridustehnoloogia keskuse veebidisainer.