Course Overview
The Open Badges for Open Science MOOC is a course for persons working or interested in the field of Research Data Management (RDM). It is one of three MOOCs provided by the OBERRED project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
What is OBERRED?
OBERRED is an acronym for Open Badge Ecosystem for the Recognition of Skills in Research Data Management and Sharing. The aim of the OBERRED project is to create a practical guide that includes the technical specifics and issues of Open Badges, roles and skills related to RDM, and principles for the application of Open Badges to RDM.
What are Open Badges?
This first course of the OBERRED project introduces you to Open Badges. Open Badges are digital badges which can be used to recognise achievements, skills and experiences. Open Badges are designed in a format that make them shareable on different platforms in dedicated spaces ( such as backpacks). Open Badges allow individuals to demonstrate achievements, skills and experiences in a digital format.
Will I receive Open Badges in this MOOC?
Yes, after successful completion of each lesson, which means, after successful submission of all assignments, you will be receive an Open Badge. Also, you can receive an additional Open Badge for a distingusihed project in the last part of this MOOC. You can view all Open Badges issued in this MOOC on our Badgr issuer webpage:
Learning Objectives
Open Badges are a powerful tool to certify knowledge, skills, and achievements. Open Badges help motivate earners to pursue lifelong learning. Unlike certificates or degrees, Open Badges typically represent a very specific competence. They are therefore great to showcase one's specific individual set of skills and pieces of knowledge. Open Badges are a great tool to promote the principles of Open Science and Research Data Management and to certify relevant skills.
After completing this first course of the OBERRED project, you will understand the concept and practical use of Open Badges, know relevant tools to prepare and realise Open Badges projects on your own, and have created your first small-scale Open Badges project.
The MOOC consists of three lessons with three units each.
The first lesson Foundations of Open Badges will introduce you to Open Badges. You will get to know the concept, context, and practical application fields of Open Badges.
In the second lesson Technologies for Open Badges, you will learn more about the technical framework that distinct Open Badges from proprietary digital badges. You will also see and compare tools and platforms for Open Badges and discuss the potentials and limitations of Open Badges.
The third and final lesson Open Badges in Practice will give you the opportunity to apply everything you have learned about Open Badges. You will develop an idea for your own Open Badges project, systematically plan it, and finally design and issue your first badge with the help of useful tools.
Certification and Additional Info
The successful completion of each lesson will be certified with an Open Badge.
Use of content and licenses
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - Foundations of Open Badges
- Lesson 2 - Technologies for Open Badges
- Lesson 3 - Open Badges in Practice
Ilona Buchem
Professor for media and communication @Beuth University in Berlin, Germany

Ebru Okatan, EMMA Project
B.Sc. Digital Economy @Beuth University Berlin, Germany
B.A. Cultural Studies @European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany