Course Overview
This course in general pedagogy is a natural continuation of the previous course, which focused on theories and models.
In this second part of the course, we will look at how the theory and concepts are applied in educational practice.
Pedagogy is, in fact, a field of empirical, as well as critical / theoretical research, so our focus will be on situations in which learning happens, on actions that lead to education, educational methods and education as a tool for social inclusion and growth.
Learning Objectives
The approach we will use is the same as in the first part of the course - General and Social Pedagogy: theory and research - so we will use a connectivist model, according to which the development of connections is a fundamental element of learning.
For this reason, the ability to identify connections between fields, ideas and concepts is the primary resource for learning and, during the course, students will be continually encouraged to do this.
The course will provide students with the basic elements relating to the most relevant aspects of practices within General and Social Pedagogy.
Certification and Additional Info
EMMA certificates of participation will be awarded to all students who complete 70% or more of this course. Completion rates will be checked by teachers and tutors, and certificates will be sent directly by the EMMA team via email.
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - Learning as a subject of pedagogic research: environment, levels and dimensions:
- Lesson 2 - The concept of experience as formative category
- Lesson 3 - Educating: Contexts, intentions, reasons
- Lesson 4 - The practices of education. Situativity, legitimacy, control, reflexivity
- Lesson 5 - Education and inclusion
Maura Striano
Maura Striano is Professor of General and Social Pedagogy. She graduated in Philosophy with top marks and followed this up with a Fulbright at Montclair State University (USA) and a PhD in Educational Sciences at the University of Perugia. Maura Striano is Head of the Pedagogy section of the University Centre for Active Student Inclusion and Participation (Sinapsi) and also heads the CPD course in Philosophy for Children, theory and methodology (

Natascia Palmina D'Amico
Natascia Palmina D’Amico has a degree in Social, Political and Public Communication from the University of Naples Federico II. Her thesis was in Media Education, with a focus on video in education. Since then her studies and her research has been mostly about Moocs. She is very interested in creativity, art and communications. She is currently working as a research fellow for EMMA project, collaborating actively in video making and learning design.