Course Overview
The SUSEES MOOC is an Online Summer School in Sociologies of Education open to scholars and students from all across Europe who intend to consolidate their expertise in studying education policies, practices and outcomes from a EU angle, assuming the European dimension as the privileged point of observation.
SUSEES stems from a synergy between the European Educational Reserach Association Network 28 ‘Sociologies of Education’ and a well established group of educational researchers that focus their teaching and research agenda on Europeanisation and the challenges for education in contemporary societies.
The faculty of SUSEES is composed by renowned scholars from all across Europe. In the 2016 MOOC lectures will be given by Stephen J. Ball, Sotiria Grek, Paolo Landri, Romuald Normand, Terri Seddon, Roberto Serpieri and Pat Thomson.
Learning Objectives
Renowned scholars give lectures, presenting the way they use particular theories and approaches. The scope of the lectures is to provide participants with new insights on the potentials of those theoretical resources in producing new research questions in studying the European dimension of education.
The focus on the European dimension is particularly relevant in our view because of the significant path dependency in educational research that produces a shared adherence to different forms of ‘methodological nationalism’ i.e. research strategies which assume the national space as the privileged point of observation and unit of analysis in studying education policy, practices and even outcomes. Although we recognize the relevance of the national dimension, it is nowadays crucial to take into account the multiple interactions, mediations and translations occurring between the European Education Space, its policies and dynamics, global policy processes, national policy-making and the implications that all of this has for educational practices and outcomes at the ‘local’ level, and for how we understand education and learning in Europe.
Participants will be:
- involved in an innovative and ground breaking learning environment where leading scholars from the field will discuss how they use theories and methods in their research and writing.
- provided with insights on the potential of these resources in producing new research questions and can benefit of a dynamic and cooperative environment, with a particular focus on drawing in interdisciplinary references to support the growth of analysis in the education field.
The lectures are completed by a final work session, a laboratory for research imagination where participants are asked to elaborate on the approaches presented in the lectures and to make them engaging with their own research and theorizing.
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - Presenting the MOOC. Theory Matters
- Lesson 2 - Is Education Impossible? Foucault as Educator - Stephen J. Ball
- Lesson 3 - The Sociomateriality of Education Policy - Paolo Landri
- Lesson 4 - International Organisations, Interplay and the Value of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studying Education Policy - Sotiria Grek
- Lesson 5 - Remaking education at the nexus between governing and experiencing Europe - Terri Seddon
- Lesson 6 - Discourse(s) of academic writing and publication - Pat Thomson
- Lesson 7 - From ideological apparatuses to governing education dispositif - Roberto Serpieri
- Lesson 8 - The Changing Epistemic Governance of European Education - Romuald Normand
- Lesson 9 - Enacting Theory in Educational Research. A Practical Exercise
Paolo Landri
Senior Researcher, CNR-IRPPS (National Research Council - Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies). My research interests concern organizations, professional learning and school policies. I have recently edited with Assunta Viteritti a special issue on Scuola Democratica on Sociomateriality in Education (2016) and several years ago with Tara Fenwick a special issue on Pedagogy, Culture & Society presented with the title: 'Materialities, Texture, and Pedagogies: Sociomaterial Assemblages in Education' that has been published by Routledge as a book. I have taught Metodology of Qualitative Research at the University of Napoli 'Federico II' and 'Sociology of Organizations'

Emiliano Grimaldi
Emiliano Grimaldi is Lecturer in Sociology at the Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, where he teaches Research Methods in Educational Contexts. His research mainly concerns the field of sociology of education and education policy analysis, with a specific reference to the changing governing regimes, the evaluation turn in education and the equity policies. Look at his recent publications at: