Course Overview
To date, there has never been any other course that meticulously covers these two fields:
1. Teaching/Learning Roles for which video is potentially outstanding
2. Pedagogic Design Principles to achieve this potential.
- updated from the ideas in the author's book, Designing video and multimedia for open and flexible learning (2006, reprinted 2009).
Field 1 (in week 1):
Potent pedagogic roles for video, leading to robust learning outcomes: a range of techniques and teaching functions for which video is outstandingly capable, due to its distinctive presentational attributes.
The 33 roles are distributed between four domains:
Cognitive, Experiential, Affective, Skills.
Field 2 (in week 2):
A narrative framework of pedagogic design principles for video, consisting of 30 individual design principles in 8 categories:
Hook, Signpost, Cognitive Engagement, Constructive Learning, Sensitise, Elucidate, Reinforce, Consolidate.
The teacher will illustrate each 'potent pedagogic role' and each 'design principle' with extracts from educational videos that have been used in online courses.
Assignments, followed by peer and tutor discussion will be facilitated at several points.
Finally, in weeks 3 and 4, students will consolidate their learning: each small group of students will design a 5- to 8-minute educational video, guided by peers and tutors. The design will be in the form of a video screenplay describing shots, actuality sound, narration - supported by the following specifications:
1. Target Audience of the video
2. Structural Outline of the video (based on the 'design principles' in Field 2 above)
3. Leaning Objectives of the video (including the rationale for using the video medium, based on the 'potent pedagogic roles' in Field 1 above)
4. Learning experiences that are complementary to the video - e.g. segmentation interspersed by quizzes, suitable for MOOC presentation .
Facebook Group:
Learning Objectives
Students will develop
- a robust understanding of the teaching/learning roles that video is potentially good at achieving
- they will also be able to implement the design principles that are necessary to achieve this potential
- these objectives will be fortified through the final practical exercise: designing a screenplay of a 5 to 8 minute video.
Following evaluation of Draft 1, each Small Group will have completed Draft 2 of a screenplay, detailing components of a 5 to 8 minute educational video, preceded by specification of
target audience
pedagogic structure (based on the design principles of Week 2),
learning objectives - with rationale for using video for each objective (based on the potent pedagogic roles of Week 1),
learning experiences that complement the video.
Certification and Additional Info
A Certificate of attendance will be awarded for students who have finsished at least 70 pc of the course. No fee will be charged for this certificate.
For the final exercise, each small group in the 3-group 'super-group' could grade the other two groups (as whole groups, not as individuals). The percentage these grades should be of the final: 20%. The remainder should come from the tutors for the final exercise.
During the course there are quizzes, but these will not be graded.
Use of content and licenses
As stated in the Overview, each 'potent pedagogic role' in Lesson 1 and each 'design principle' in Lesson 2 will be illustrated with extracts from educational videos that have been used in online courses. The ten organisations that have kindly given permission to use these video clips are as follows.
- UK Open University
- The University of Sheffield
- Anadolu University, Turkey
- Educational Broadcasting Services Trust
- Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam
- Peet Media Associates
- Milton Keynes Community Trust
- FaBeR - KULeuven, Belgium
- Institute for Research in Social Sciences
- Educational Media Production Training
All the video in the Course is offered under a particular Creative Commons Licence, namely,
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs . The terms of this licence are as follows.
You re free to share the material, that is to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as long as you follow the terms below
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license (, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - What to Teach with Video
- Lesson 2 - How to Teach with Video: Pedagogic Video Design Principles
- Lesson 3 - Produce Draft 1 of a Potent Pedagogic Video Screenplay
- Lesson 4 - Produce and Evaluate Draft 2 of the Video Screenplay
Jack Koumi
Jack Koumi has a degree in Mathematics, a degree in Psychology, and Graduate Certificates in Technology Based Distributive Learning and in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
For 6 years he was a London University lecturer and teacher trainer.
For 23 years, until 1993, he worked at the BBC Open University Production Centre, producing audio, video and interactive multimedia in Mathematics, Science and Media Design. Also, over 10 years, he was the Senior Instructor in a three-month annual course for overseas producers of educational video.
Subsequently, as a freelance consultant, he has conducted over 60 workshops in 36 countries. He has also produced video/print and AV teacher training materials and trained producers of same in UK, Vietnam, China, Kenya and Nigeria.
He has published many papers and instructional texts, plus a book, Designing Video and Multimedia for Open and Flexible Learning, Routledge 2006, reprinted 2009.
Latest papers:
of 56 instructional TV programmes for English language learners in Turkey ,
Educational Media International 2013, Tailor & Francis.
Design Guidelines for Multimedia Materials: A Call for Collaboration between
Practitioners and Researchers , Journal of Visual Literacy 2013 Vol. 32 No 2.
Outcomes afforded by self-assessed segmented Video-Print combinations, Cogent
Education, 2015, 2(1),
Audiovision for
training Teachers of Nigerian Nomadic children. Journal of Applied
Instructional Design, 2015